The friendliest people on two wheels!

The friendliest people on two wheels!

Established in 1991, the club schedules over 500 recreational bike rides annually, with routes showcasing the beauty of the Niagara area and beyond. With over 300 members, the Niagara Freewheelers is a volunteer-run organization whose success is due to its dedicated members who plan and lead rides, and organize social events and special cycling excursions.

Come join us for the riding, the fun, and the friendship!

Our Mission

  • To promote and encourage recreation and utilitarian bicycling primarily in and around the Niagara Region.
  • To educate our members directly, and the public indirectly, on legal, safety and technical matters pertaining to bicycling.
  • To assist other organizations with the establishment and protection of the rights of cyclists.

Want to help? Contact us

By-law #1 Approved by membership on October 5, 2024

Operational Guidelines (Under revision – October 2024)


President’s Message

We are very pleased that you are considering joining our club. If you enjoy cycling and the beauty of the Niagara area, we have a lot to offer. This year our schedule has over 500 rides. Check it over carefully, find the speed and distance that suits you, grab your helmet, bike, and water bottle and come on out. You may find yourself on familiar ground or riding in a part of the region you have not visited before.

Keep Reading

Hamilton Harbour-riders on path-cropped


Our volunteers work to keep the Niagara Freewheelers moving forward and help champion cycling in Niagara.

Hamilton Harbour-riders under 403-cropped


Our newsletter provides members with important and interesting information and is sent out by email monthly.

Freewheelers Clothing

Freewheelers Clothing

Freewheelers jerseys are available for purchase. Ride in style!

Our Legacy

Legacy Tree

Do you know what makes a really great cycling club? Really great people! On September 13, 2024 Freewheelers gathered at Harold Black Park to honour those members who have gone ‘above and beyond’ in their service to the Club.

A plaque situated next to a stately Honey Locust Tree reads: This tree is dedicated to the outstanding members of the Niagara Freewheelers Bicycle Touring Club, in recognition of their time and talents spent in service to the Club and to the advancement of recreational cycling in the Niagara region.


Bill & Virginia Stewart (Founders) ~ Tom Bailey ~ Liz Barber ~ Frank Barnsley ~ Walter Berg ~ Jere Brown ~ Laura Bruce ~ Ann & Peter Davies ~ Paul & Rita Dillon ~ Phil Dodd ~ Pat Dunphy ~ Linda & Bill Emslie ~ Dave Featherstone ~ Ken Forgeron ~ Rod Forrester ~ Chris Frere ~ Ron Goff ~ John Helm ~ Jane Hughes ~ Dave Hunt ~ Mark Kawabe ~ Marian Landry ~ Claudette Losier ~ Ron Matsushita ~ Mike Menicanin ~ Dennis Munn ~ George Nicholson ~ Paul Pattison ~ Frank Pravitz ~ Lynda Purpura ~ Janet Rivers ~ Bob Romanuk ~ Betty Saari ~ Drew Semple ~ Susan & Richard Sparrow ~ Eveline Stout ~ John Swart ~ Hans Taal ~ Suzette & Evan Taylor ~ Linda Thomas ~ Annette Urlocker ~ Peter Warwick ~ Sylvia Wheeler

PHOTO CREDIT: My Niagara Online/My Pelham

Bill Stewart

Bill Stewart

Bill passed away Thursday, October 25, 2012 at home with family and friends. Bill and Virginia Stewart founded the Freewheelers.

Tom Bailey

Tom Bailey

Former Freewheeler, Tom Bailey passed away on Saturday, March 17, 2018. Tom was the major driving force behind the development of many of our club’s ride maps and cue sheets.

Jane Hughes-Pat Dunphy

Jane Hughes & Pat Dunphy

Jane Hughes was born in British Columbia and Pat Dunphy was from England. Jane spent most of her childhood in Mississauga and then lived in the Niagara region from her early 20’s. Both were avid cyclists and living in St. Catharines when they met. Together they became involved in the local cycling community, joined the Freewheelers, and had great dreams for the future of cycling in Niagara.

Become a Member today!

Ride as a guest on any of our rides and consider becoming a member. We hope to see you on the next ride!

Hamilton Harbour-riders on bridge