
Bike Niagara Safe Cycling Enhancement Course – Free for Freewheelers
Course: On-bike course Presenter: Dave Hunt, Virginia Stewart, & Rick Tarajos, Safe Cycling Instructors, Bike Niagara Date: Saturday, June 1 Rain Date: Saturday, June 8 Time: 10 am – noon Location: Bethany Church (parking lot), 1040 Balfour Street, Fenwick
Register: Dave Hunt Website: Bike Niagara Poster
This on-bike course is focused on adults (14 years of age and older) who know how to cycle and offers a review of safe cycling principles, tips, hazards, equipment checks, and group riding skills with a focus on eight handling skills. This is all done in a car-free environment parking lot and may conclude with a short ride to a lunch stop if the group is interested. Families are welcome but youths must be accompanied by an adult.
Contact Dave Hunt if you have questions or require further details.