Niagara Freewheelers Bicycle Touring Club

Welcome to the Niagara Freewheelers

The 2025 cycling season is underway! Take advantage of these double-digit days and get back in the saddle again! Feel the wind in your face! Feel the rush of your first ride! Let the fun begin! Remember to carry your identification, current emergency contact information, and pertinent medical information when you are cycling.

Honouring Frank Barnsley

Frank passed away on February 6, a month before his 103rd birthday. We will honour him on Saturday, May 3 with a morning ride and a potluck social in the evening. Watch for details in the April/May Newsletter.

The friendliest people on two wheels!

Established in 1991, the club schedules over 500 recreational road rides annually, with routes showcasing the beauty of the Niagara area and beyond. With over 300 members, the club is a volunteer-run organization whose success is due to its dedicated members who plan and lead rides, and organize social events and special cycling excursions.

Come join us for the riding, the fun, and the friendship!

Upcoming Rides

Ride Cancellations/Change Policy

Note: Weather-related ride cancellations do not usually appear as ‘cancelled’ in the Ride Schedule.

Prior to attending a ride, check the Ride Schedule for a possible last minute change!

Road Closures in Niagara

Full Ride ScheduleRide Info & Links / Cue SheetsRides without Leaders-Help Needed!

Next Event

All Upcoming Events
President's Message

President's Message

We are very pleased that you are considering joining our club. If you enjoy cycling and the beauty of the Niagara area, we have a lot to offer. This year our schedule has over 500 rides. Check it over carefully, find the speed and distance that suits you, grab your helmet, bike, and water bottle and come on out. You may find yourself on familiar ground or riding in a part of the region you have not visited before.

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