
Don’t miss this scenic ride around the harbour!
Join Tour Leader, Rod Forrester for a scenic 37 km ride around Hamilton Harbour. From Confederation Park, we take the Red Hill Trail across the stunning cycle/pedestrian bridge over the QEW into the City of Hamilton. Several relatively quiet streets lead us to Cannon Street, where the excellent bike lane will take us across the city to another quiet street bringing us to the harbour. We follow the Waterfront Trail around the harbour to enjoy many scenic views. At the extreme west end of the harbour, we climb 5 flights of steps (using the bike wheel trough) bringing us to York Blvd. We then follow Valley Inn Road and Spring Gardens Road past the Royal Botanical Gardens. North Shore Blvd, a rolling scenic ride along the North shore of the bay through Burlington’s Aldershot area, brings us to Spencer Smith Park in Burlington. After a lunch stop, we will follow the Waterfront Trail back across the beach strip to Coronation Park. An easy, enjoyable, and scenic ride.
Start Time: 10 am
Start Location: From St. Catharines, go west on QEW. Exit QEW for Centennial Pkwy. Turn left on the North Service Road. Proceed straight through stoplight at Centennial Pkwy on to Van Wagner’s Beach Road. 0.82 km after stoplight, turn right into parking lot (at Waterfront Trail). The road makes a left turn here. If you reach “Hutches on the Beach” (280 Van Wagner’s Beach Road), you have gone 0.83 km too far. Turn around and go back to the parking lot on your left just past the turn.
Lunch Stop: To be decided
Cue Sheet/Map: Download