Join Tour Leader, John Swart on a ‘A’ pace road ride from South Cayuga to Port Dover and return.
Date: Thursday, June 22
Start Time: 9:30 am
Start Location: RV Land, 6495 Rainham Road, Dunnville (Special thanks to Justin the owner of RV Land Travel Trailer Rentals for allowing us to park at his business.)
Distance: 116 km. We’ll follow the Lake Erie shoreline from RV Land west of Dunnville to Port Dover, have lunch, and return.
Equipment: This is a road ride, so no special equipment is needed.
No Cue Sheet/Map/Ride with GPS: This is designated as a Group Ride.
Pace and Skill Level: Rated A4. The ride is rated ‘A’ because of distance and the average pace of 26-28 kph. However, there will be viewing stops, short breaks and regrouping along the way. If you have any questions, my contact information is below.
Lunch: We will stop for lunch in Port Dover.
If you have any questions or plan to attend, please contact John Swart.